Leadership is an inside job.
Camille McKinney is a Leadership Coach, Consultant, and Speaker who empowers overworked, high-achieving women in leadership to dig deeper, trust themselves, and grow to their full potential.
This website captures everything that founder, leadership coach, consultant, and speaker Camille McKinney, envisioned. It’s inspiring and empowering for its target audience of high-achieving female leaders, while being approachable, relatable, open, and safe.
When developing this brand and website design we wanted to convey these same tone words throughout the brand, while building trust in Camille. We considered the founder’s empathy for high-achieving women, and discovered the perfect pairings of font and color palettes. The bold orange is Camille’s passion color, and represents the intuitive, core gut instinct and confidence from where she approaches her clients. The deep, trustworthy blue invokes a sense of higher purpose, an elevated mindset, and clarity. Together, they create a color palette that is striking, reassuring, and inviting. We then complemented the palette with three simple, clear fonts: a script named “Girl Boss”, appropriately, a light Oswald, and semi-bold Monserrat. This blend perfectly amplifies Camille’s brand, speaking to the many empowering, yet approachable facets to her effective leadership coaching and consulting empowering, yet approachable tone.
This site was a joy to develop, and we are grateful to have had the opportunity to tell this impressive entrepreneur’s story, show her heart, and share her value proposition to women leaders she loves to serve.