Today I’m celebrating my first 40!
And today I celebrate some other new things that are happening… #showingup
Those of you with me in recent years know that being authentic is a major part of who I am and where I’m headed… both in business and life.
While I’m good at this when I’m eyeball to eyeball with my people, I’m not good at this online. At all.
Online, I chill in the wings. It feels professionally ‘right’, but let me tell you, the truth is it’s really just safe. Outside the realm of judgment and criticism.
In fact, the real truth is… I’ve learned a great deal in just the past few years.
I’ve learned to grow a business, stand on my own, parent the not-so-littles, apply the perfect amount of eye-liner, and even to enjoy cooking with just occasional disdain.
I’ve intentionally grown a closer relationship with a Maker who loves and teaches and laughs with me each day, usually at my own expense. And I’ve grown more thankful and centered as a result.
I have earned a Master’s Degree, nursed a child through a serious health scare, became an impromptu foster mom – and then not, and learned to invest abundantly in good shoes.
I was nearly, but not, divorced and grew a more gritty and honest marriage as a result.
[Then, heartbreakingly, it was still lost in the crossfire. And yet, with acceptance there followed a healing and peace like I’d never experienced before. Not easy. Not the hoped-for outcome. Yet absolutely necessary.]
I’ve grown friendships with some powerhouse, faith-filled women who both sustain and challenge me all at once.
I’ve, along with my sister and business partner, quietly pulled a six-figure business from the little offices in our homes. And we’ve done it on our terms. With messy homes, full lives, and many Fridays off. And while getting our kids on and off the bus.
And this, all of this, to me, is success.
[Even the parts the sound a whole lot more like failure.]
And it might not be to you. And that’s okay.
Yet, I’m being challenged again. To show up more fully. Because we can’t help each other if we don’t show up real and honest first.
You see our little business creates beautiful websites with a small, but mighty team of women who enjoy attempting to find balance in raising their families alongside their careers.
And this same type of powerful woman often describes our clients as well. They have busy, full lives, and busy, growing businesses. And they are usually in need of help with something…
They need some clarity in growing their business. They need a place to jump in and resolve some questions and better build their passions and gifts into their services. They need to find how, exactly, to authentically show up in their business and fall in love with what they do and whom they serve all over again.
They need a plan. They need focused action. And they need it all to be profitable, thank-you-very-much.
To answer that need, we’ve created the first ever Elevate5 online course.
And, it. is. ah-mazing.
In just three weeks this little course talks and teaches about passion, purpose, and profit. It is a roadmap to clarity and action within the muddy-middle of a business on the path toward serious success.
And you can learn more on this little diamond of goodness right on over here:
Business Breakthrough Masterclass >>
Lots of love,